33 days to merciful love retreat companion pdf
But thats why I called. I asked him what he meant. It means being sorry for our sins, making a firm resolution not to sin again, and never making a truce with sin. Go ahead. 144 The whole citation is as follows: You see what you are of yourself, but do not be frightened at this. Well, there is, indeed, a catch, but its not a scary one. Christo pher OMahony. 12 Pope John Paul II, Encyclical Letter Redemptoris Mater [Mother of the Redeemer), March 25,1987, 12. A Sequel That Stands Alone But Shouldn't. 76 Niels Christian Hvidt, Christian Prophecy: The Post-Biblical Tradition (Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2007), p. vii. So, we need only" tear becoming corrupt. Okay, so blindness to ones sin is a big problem today. More on that tomorrow. 115 Day 30: The Little Way. 117 Day 31: The Offering 120 Day 32: The Darkness 122 Day 33: Putting It All Together . 125 DAY OF CONSECRATION: The Happy Day .131 AFTER CONSECRATION: The Lens of Mercy . Remain in me as in a tabernacle and never separate Yourself from Your little victim. Seraphim Michalcnko, MIC, an expert on the message of Divine Mercy that comes to us through St. Faustina: I asked Fr. She knows that he himself will be her Sanctity and that God the Father will look upon her only in the Face of Jesus and in His heart burning with Love. Shes confident that Gods love will take possession of her and remain in her that she might be clothed in Gods own Justice and filled with an overflow of the infinite tenderness of his love. This praise and thanks is signified by the air we exhale from our lungs. And this is so because few souls know the unfath omable mercy of God and His great goodness.9 Todays Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit, fire of mercy. That means well be moved to pray for the conversion of hardened sinners die very same ones who rejected die graces of mercy that well be receiving. Be happy like Therese, w'ho knew that good doctors, when they perform op erations, put their patients to sleep. In other words, be happy that if you keep living the Litde Way, God will especially be working through you even in the midst of your daily darkness and aridity. The Church is showing her maternal side, her motherly face, to a humanity that is wounded. This blood and water (which is his mercy) and this wonderful air (which is also his mercy) fill your soul. Time is nothing in Your eyes, and a single day is like a thousand years. 14 day loan required to access PDF files. And because the human heart of Jesus is united to and burns with Divine Love, his desire to love and to be loved infinitely surpasses our own desires. (More on this tomorrow.) Mary gently lowers you to the foot of 166 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE the Cross, where the blood and water again begin to flow down from the Lords pierced side and into your emptiness, into the poverty of your ecce. [Perfection seems easy to me. 1 rejoice that they ask for much, because it is My desire to give much, very much. I don't know, but what I am certain about is that God's mercy will accompany her always.131 We now know how Therese's story came to an end. Alright, well, now its time for a personal story. Well, read the following account of her death from Mother Agnes, and realize that St. Therese didnt die of tuberculosis. My love discovers die charms Of your Face adorned with tears. 32 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE The great key, the great secret, has to do with Marys faith, because faith gets to her deepest reality'. 83-84. So, let me repeat: To live the Little Way, we must be merciful to others. Therefore, there must be such a path! And thats the beauty of Thereses path. (Actually, I did put it myself because I just para phrased her thoughts, but you get the idea.) And I live now in complete abandonment. I mean, with the Offering, you have the culmination of the central teaching of the greatest and most popular saint of modern times a Doctor of the Church, no less. That was her night of faith. As the first drops of this blood and water touch your face, you take a deep breath in, fiat. In fact, in a sense, its sometimes better that little souls arent successful. Ive often pondered these questions, and what follows are three answers that, I hope, will help us live the Offering to Merciful Love with the same generous spirit as the Saint of Lisieux. Well, there is, indeed, a catch but its not a scary one. Its to hope against hope that the Lords Merciful Love goes out to us not because were perfect, strong, and without sin, but because were imperfect, weak, and sinful. From the Cross, he cries out for love of us, I thirst! and we mumble our prayers. Its called Tou Did It to Me1: A Practical Guide to Mercy in Action (Stockbridge: Marian Press, 2014). (3) I offer You, too, all the merits of the saints (in heaven and on earth), their acts of Love, and those of the holy angels. Now, first and foremost, in my opin ion, would be to read the autobiography of St. Therese of Lisieux, called Story of a Soul.ltf> But please dont get distracted by the sometimes flowery language. Your Face is my only Homeland Its rhe Lily of the Valley Whose mysterious perfume Consoles my exiled soul, Making it taste the peace of Heaven. And so, this vulnerability of God in Christ is part of the poverty of the incarnation (see 2 Cor 8:9) and is a particularly profound aspect of the self-emptying of Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God did not deem equality with God something to be grasped at (Phil 2:6-7). Its recognizing, without giving up, that some struggles are chronic. May the blood and water that flows forth from your Heart always be upon us! Alright, so how do we properly form our conscience? It means forgiving those who have hurt us. It begins with seeing that he longs to pour his Merciful Love out on sinners and that so many reject his love. And so, not wanting to be late for class, I took the book. RIEST FRIEND: A CONSECRATION TO DIVINE MERCY. In fact, its a beautiful longing of love, a longing that purifies us at every moment and deepens our life of prayer. Description. The Mass is, as it were, heaven on earth. 39 fulfilled. And what was Marys immediate response? I mean, without a concrete reminder, we might easily forget that weve invited Jesus to come with his mercy and stay in our homes. More specifically, were going to reflect on the root of the worlds darkness and how it affected St. Therese. Blessing Recall that, according to St. John Paul II, a kind of'key' unlocks for us the innermost reality of Mary. That key is the blessing of Elizabeth at the Annunciation: Blessed is she who believed that w hat was spoken to her by the Lord w'ould be fulfilled (Lk 1:45). They have time for every thing, but they have no time to come to Me for graces.217 My daughter, take the graces that others spurn; take as many as you can carry.2181 want to give myself to souls and to fill them with My love, but few there are who want to accept all the graces My love has intended for them. Will you let her give you the gift of the Little Way and her Offering to Merciful Love? But is she really that lowly? 112-13. Of course, he could give such a gift if he wanted to. Gods mercy some times touches the sinner at die last moment in a wondrous and mysterious way. WEEK TWO: The Little Way 59 Thats certainly reasonable, but Therese would have none of it. Mark said, No problem. 43 love. But this provides perhaps the most important motivation for Thereses familiarity with Jesus, because his broken, beaten, sorrowful face invites her to console him. First, Thereses Offering to Merciful Love is based on her profound insight into the love of the Heart of Jesus. Indeed, the Offering to Merciful Love is not to offer oneself to divine Justice and its harsh punishments. Truly, its the secret to happiness in this life. And isnt he the one who inspired these desires in the first place? After all, if they were suddenly to see themselves bounding up die rough stairway of perfection widi great strides, it might go to their heads, and theyd be too big for Jesus to lift. But Mary isnt God shes our tender, loving mother. From Fr. According to St. Paul, there is. Well, consider the following. Now, before we begin the retreat itself, I thought I'd include an introduction to Marian consecration. Well long for him so ardently at that moment that our souls will, so to speak, pop out of our bodies and fly directly and immediately, without having to go through purgatory, into the embrace of his love.127 Thats the martyrdom of love, a martyrdom that, according to St. John of the Cross, is very gentle and very sweet, sweeter and more gentle than [our] whole spiritual life on earth.128 But until that blessed moment, Therese will continue to offer herself to Merciful Love: (11) 1 want, O my Beloved, at each bear of my heart to renew this offering to You an infinite number of times, until the shadows having disappeared I may be able to tell You of my Love in an Eternal Face to Face!119 90 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE Now, while I dont yet have a method for renewing the Offering to Merciful Love at each beat of my heart, I can recommend an easy method for renewing it at each breath. [emailprotected] Its a choice to walk the path of spiritual childhood. Before we go further into diose three moments of breathing, let me say something about three words from Scripture. I want to work for Your Love alone widi the one purpose of pleasing You, consoling Your Sacred Heart, and saving souls who will love You eternally. And can you make out the other main ideas in the middle paragraphs? Why? Wrong. After your soul has filled, after your lungs have filled, you linger at the end of the fiat moment as you simply enjoy and take delight in his Merciful Love. 161 Story ofa Soul, p. 214. You will then tell the story about the converted sinner who died of love.140 In response to Thereses requests, heres what Mother Agnes later added to the manuscript, an addition that includes the story about the converted sinner who died of love: No, there is no one who could frighten me,141 for I know too w'ell what to believe concerning His Mercy' and His Love. The Lord Jesus himself 200 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE tells us this in Sacred Scripture, Whatsoever you do to the least of my people, that you do unto me (Mt 20:25). Join us for our spring Bible study and retreat, 33 Days to Merciful Love, the stirring sequel to the international sensation, 33 Days to Morning Glory.Using the same 33-day preparation format, 33 Days to Merciful Love journeys with one of the most beloved saints of modern times, St. Therese of Lisieux, and concludes with a consecration to Divine Mercy. 111 Catechism of the Catholic Church, 144. She chose mercy, and so, even Gods Justice seemed to her clothed in love." Why do I say that? Saint Faustina writes something similar: 1 want to live in the spirit of faith. 'You Did it to Me': A Practical Guide to Mercy in Action [This book] blew me away. God Doesn't Need Us. We need only fear the sin of presumption where we seek to justify' ourselves and our behaviors without asking for forgiveness and mercy. On this same topic, St. Faustina wrote the following about herself: There is no soul more wretched than 1 am, as I truly know myself, and I am astounded that divine Majesty stoops so low (440). (See chart on pages 22-23 for other recommended feast days.) Is 53:3-5). If we choose to be merciful to others, then God will be merciful with us. Well, when I saw that claim on the back of the book, I was sold. Retreat Companion for Priests by Fr. After all, if we live this breathing exercise as a prayer, then we can constantly be making a spiritual com munion, renewing the Offering to Merciful Love, and living praise and thanks. Isnt the Mass the most powerful prayer? .MK Okay, so I havent yet figured out how to renew the Offering to Merciful Love with every beat of the heart. 1 am Love and Mercy itself (1273). 23-53. Naturally, notes of tolerance and 'Suleh-e-kul' (equal respect and peace for . 82 St. Therese of Lisieux: By Those Who Knew Her ed. 214 Sharing Gods mercy with others is a key to living the Family Offering to Mercifiil Love. Alright, thats great for St. Therese, but what does it have to do with our topic? He lives and works on Eden Hill in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, home of the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy. 8 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE RETREAT COORDINATOR'S GUIDE PART ONE OVERVIEW THE HEARTS AFIRE PROGRAM The 33 Days to Merciful Love Group Retreat falls within Stage Three of the Hearts Afire program. Todays Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit, fire of mercy. But here, I want us to better appreciate what we learned over those days by putting it in the context of a prophetic announcement for the present time of mercy in the Church. I beg You to cast Your Divine Glance upon a great number of little souls. 570. Michael Gaitley, MIC, this 33 Days to Merciful Love Retreat Companion goes even deeper than the book alone and explores new material on the heart of St. Thrse of Lisieuxs Little Way, uncovering the power of trust in the face of personal darkness, inspiring participants to become great saints amid ordinary circumstances, and laying the foundation for a personal consecration to Divine Mercy. Rather, it had to do with simply trusting that there is a heights, that there is a God, diat there is a heaven. Love will not wear out the veil of my life. According to Webster's Dictionary, the root word for Gnosticism is gnosis, which means "divinely inspired knowledge." 1 This word is generally used to describe heretical . I have never sought God in some far-off place, but within myself. Im adapting it slightly, particularly so we can pray it in the first person. 223 Ibid.' His loving gaze is fixed on us night and day and we hardly look at him. Well, thats what were going to do today. Unsere Partner sammeln Daten und verwenden Cookies zur Personalisierung und Messung von Anzeigen. Next week, were going to start learning about St. Therese and her spiritual doctrine, which builds on this weeks scriptural foundation. All rights reserved. And diat may be die text youd like to use and pray with, even daily. But if you dont have time to do so before the consecration, then from your heart, tell the Lord youre sorry for your sins, and make a resolution to go to Confession as soon as you reasonably can. Jesus was sleeping as usual in my little boat; ah! Making the Family Offering to Mercifill Love is rather simple. During her life, she wasnt famous or well known. How does the Offering allow us to live zm one single act ofperfect love! 131 See The Power of Confidence, p. 157. Now, this doesnt mean we have to go on endless mission trips and pilgrimages. For instance, Francis would have certainly felt it sinful for him to accept a family inheritance of a mansion. 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE Most important for me, de Montfort basically claimed that such a consecration is the quickest and easiest way to become a saint. If this bilateral and reciprocal quality' is absent, our actions are not yet true acts of mercy, nor has there yet been fully completed in us that conversion to which Christ has shown us the way by His words and example, even to the Cross, nor are we yet sharing fully in the magnificent source of merciful love that has been revealed to us by Him (14). Remember Sr. Febronie? So, what may seem to us like a hopeless case for instance, a person stuck in die cycle of addiction or someone with an insufferable temperament may in fact be a hidden saint, particularly loved by God because of their humility and unseen efforts. I say that because, as Scripture teaches, the measure with which we measure will be measured back to us (see Lk 6:38). I found what I was looking for. And thats okay because St. Therese is the master, the Doctor of the Church on these matters. Be happy like Therese, who believed that He will undoubtedly awaken before my great eternal retreat. Be happy like Therese, who, despite feeling far from being a saint, trusted that God would eventually make her into a great one. 72 Regarding trust being the key to receiving Gods mercy', Jesus told St. Faustina: The graces of My mercy are drawn by means of one vessel only, and that is trust. 53 Ibid., p. 207. 'Nevertheless, her trust in God's mercy during that time, and God's faithfulness to her, became the confirmation of her Little Way. and commentary, Fr. 45 Regarding Therese being a victim of bullying, an outcast, and loner who couldnt join in the games of the others or comb her ow n hair, see Story ofa Soul, pp. I could say to Him like His aposdes: Master, I fished all night and caught nothing. More merciful to me than He was to His disciples, Jesus took the net Him self, cast it, and drew it in filled with fish (Story ofa Soul, pp. Perhaps we didnt stop long enough to get a good grasp on what the worlds darkness is all about. Todays Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit, fire of mercy. Since You loved me so much as to give me Your only Son as my Savior and my Spouse, the infinite 135 136 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE treasures of His merits are mine. Okay, having explained the meaning of ecce, fiat, and magnificat and how each of these three words applies to the APPENDIX ONE: Living the Offering 165 three moments of our breathing (eccr/empty, fiat/m, magni ficat/out), I think it might be helpfill to put it all together with a meditation. Thats largely because of a popular and terribly rigorist book on Carmelite spiritualin- called The Treasure of Carmel. Why? Thats the key question. It just takes you and me and maybe one other person. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. I suggest that we can do so by living our lives with the one purpose of consoling Jesus through our attitude of trust, which means praising and thanking God in all things and in all circumstances. It is with joy I shall contemplate You on the Last Day carrying the scepter of Your Cross. Another way that die Divine Mercy' Image goes perfecdy with the Family Offering is that it serves as a reminder of our invitation to Jesus to come into our homes with his mercy. (The Poetry of Saint Therese ofLisieux, trans. There is no power that can stop me in my flight toward God.210 How to Renew the Offering with Every Breath: The Spiritual Communion of Merciful Love I toll h .u.Ur-Cil :i> -ill ( uliM. And through that effort, weve come to find a light in the darkness, namely, Gods own love that fills up the abyss of our nothingness. John Clarke, OCD, 3rd ed. Since You deigned to give me a share in this very precious Cross, I hope in heaven to resemble You and to see shining in my glorified body the sacred stigmata of Your Passion. As she herself put it, Why would this treasure not be yours?174 Finally, we relate to Thereses double darkness. And yet, through the Mass, we truly and fully participate in that mystery. In odier words, it doesn't focus on lots of vocal prayers each day of the retreat but, rather, on short spiritual readings that you can easily ponder in your heart throughout the day. In fact, I believe that it is in the context of the offering of the Mass that we can best understand the following words of St. Therese (especially draw me, we shall run) that reveal how she found a simple way of inter ceding for others: Since I have two brothers and my little Sisters, the novices, if I wanted to ask for each soul what each one needed and go into detail about it, the days would not be long enough and I fear I would forget something important. May this 196 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE message radiate from this place to our beloved homeland and throughout the world. But Abraham kept negotiating, What about for the sake of45? Yes, 111 spare it. 40? To learn more about the Popes devotion and his white roses, see The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making ofa Radical Pope by Austen Ivereigh (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 2014), pp. He doesnt need us. From Gods perspective, though, the truly great souls are the little souls, because they allow Gods greatest attribute, his mercy, to shine forth most fully. DAY 26 The World's Darkness This week, weve focused on better understanding the darkness of our own weakness, brokenness, and sin. What a hard test! Become a Marian Missionary ofDirinc Mercy. Well have to accept to be in the dark, to live an ordinary lite, and to walk by faith. Now, of course, in one sense, theres nothing lacking in Christs suffering. All our justice is stained in Your eyes. Simply recall the case of Sr. Marie of the Trinity, one of St. Thereses novices who feared purgatory and wondered if someone as weak as she could hope to avoid it. I want no other Throne, no other Crown but Tou, my Beloved! He will know how He can come and get you. Whats the medication? 97 This is perhaps why God would accept the prayer of people who offered themselves as victim souls to divine Justice its because Jesus did it first! This book, like 33 Days to Morning Glory, is a 33-day do-it-yourself retreat in preparation for consecration thats based on heart-pondering prayer. So, what about Marys faith? "207 He goes on to call dris reality a fragment of lifes deep logic.208 But if Jesus doesnt need us, then how can there be a true and loving friendship between him and us? Souls that trust boundlessly are a great comfort to Me, because I pour all the treasures of My graces into them. Of course, we know that at the Annunciation she believed Gods Word, hoping against hope that she w'ould become the mother of the Son of God through a virginal conception. Maximilian Kolbe, OFM Conv., cd. This desire could certainly appear daring if one were to consider how weak and imperfect I was, and how, after seven years in the religious life, I still am weak and imperfect. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, commenting on die first sin of Adam and Eve, gets to the heart of it all: Man, tempted by the devil, let his trust in his Creator die in his heart and, abusing his free dom, disobeyed Gods command. But theres something else about trust a key ingredient that will help us better understand what it is, an ingredient that comes from our father in faith, our father in trust: the patriarch Abraham. Problem is, many of us dont sec it. However, while I do recom mend privately praying Thereses actual prayer at least once (preferably on your consecration day), I dare say that there are two difficulties with using it under other circumstances: (1) Its rather long, and so it may not be practical for everyone to use as a daily prayer. I searched, then, in the Scriptures for some sign of this elevator, the object of my desires, and I read these words coming from the mouth of Eternal Wisdom: Whoever is a LITTLE ONE, let him come to me." Of course, while its been passed on to us by the Pope, its also a gift that comes from on High, a gift that comes from God himself. Finally, Mary, protect and preserve our family in love, so that one day, we may rejoice togedier with you and all the saints in the communion of the eternal Family of Love Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (More on this later.) In fact, it was the unfathomable suffering of her motherly Heart at Calvary that makes her Heart an instrument of grace, a Mediatrix of grace.28 And its her suffering, more than that of any other creature, that makes up for what is lacking in the suffering of Christ. Emphasis added. Savor it for a moment before you let it go. Todays Prayer: Come, Holy Spirit, fire of mercy. This is one of the effects of original sin, one of its tragic consequences.7 And so, what the Catechism says about Adam and Eve, to one degree or an other, applies to us all: They become afraid of the God of whom they have conceived a distorted image .8 And w hat has become distorted about our image of God? Even after die death of her one true friend in the convent (Therese), even after her mental illness caused her to have to leave the convent at the age of 55 after 28 years of religious life, even after years of wondering aimlessly about the French countryside (ibid., p. 51) amazingly she could still write the fol lowing words to Mother Agnes, words that reveal her hidden sanctity: The work of sanctification which my beloved Therese began so lovingly in me beore she died continues. Uncategorized; 27. So, blame Abraham! But heres something we didnt cover earlier, something that pushes us forward along the Littie Way as a way of life, something that also forms our conscience: The choice to see through the lens of mercy." Rom 11:33)! It means that if we fall into discouragement or despair, well make an effort to get right back up, right back to trusting in Gods mercy. "8 The first paragraph, in which Therese describes the goal of her Offering, contains one of the best definitions of what it means to be a saint: (1)0 My God! /\ x Ixvitatiox to Jesus, the Divixe Mercy. O my God! And so, although he seems to be dead (because this is a meditation, you actually still console him), Mar} gently raises you to his lips. So, if we object, then maybe were simply looking for justice. Good for St. Therese. Carmelite Sisters of New York of Conscils et Souvenirs (Rock ford, Hi. 33 days to morning glory retreat companion pdf 33 Days to Merciful Love is the stirring sequel to the international sensation, 33 Days to Morning Glory. According to St. Therese, such a remarkable gift of sanctity' is relatively easy to obtain, even for very imperfect souls. But how did she do it? 9. Let me explain. Amazon. He permitted my soul to be invaded by the thickest darkness, and that the thought of heaven, up until then so sweet to me, be no longer anything but the cause of struggle and torment.162 Clearly, Therese was dealing with a night offaith, a trial of faith. - Additional DVD from Episode 2 of the acclaimed Catholic documentary, Divine Mercy in the second greatest story ever told based on the book, 33 Days She had to stand and consent to the immolation of die victim.21 She had to remain there in faith, hoping against hope. Its no human work. 180-1. I mean, it doesnt take that many people to save the world. How completely she abandons herself to God without reserve, offering the full assent of the intellect and the will to him whose ways are inscrutable (cf. I think back to the words of Gods servant John Paul I, who during a Wednesday audience said, The Lord loves humility so much that sometimes he permits serious sins. 144 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE Look at it like this: From our perspective, the great souls are, well, thegreat souls'. When he returned four hours later and everybody had forgotten about it, she ran at once to Marie, saying: Mane, hurry and tell Papa I tore the paper. Then she awaited her sentence as if she were a criminal (Story ofa Soul, pp. This blind hope in your mercy, O Lord, is my only treasure. FINAL FIVE DAYS: Synthesis and Review 117 Grace Mary is not only a perfect model of faith and trust for us, but she obtains for us the grace to believe and to trust in God. My Heart drinks only of the ingratitude and forgetfulness of souls living in the world. I Myself will defend it as My own glory (48). And then I hope well remember the blessing. Relate Saint Therese doesnt always make a good first impression. Right again. Confidendy, I stated my conclusion, And so 40 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE the best way to remove that thorn and console him is to fra# him. Michael, youre absolutely right. Great! I said to myself, Its all about trusting Jesus in order to console him. At that point, 1 thought I was all set. Little souls often live ordinary lives, but theyre called to do so with extraordinaryfaith, hope, and love. Thats not friendship. Again, I suggest its his words, I thirst, spoken from the Cross. Were too focused on the beloved who suffers. Its to trust that he will make us into great saints, even if we dont see it happening, even if we struggle with the same sins day after day, even if we have to wait for the grace of great holiness until the very end of our lives. How do we do it? Father Michael masterfully summarizes their teaching, making it easy to grasp, and simple enough to put into . I dont see that we are advancing toward the summit of the mountain since our journey is being made underground, but it seems to me that we are approaching it without knowing how.154 Todays Prayer: Come. WEEK FOUR: Into the Darkness 111 Her breathing suddenly became weaker and more laboured. In fact, St. Therese believed that for little souls who live the Little Way and make the Offering to Merciful Love, purgatory can easily he avoided. Notice here that God gives such souls forgiveness of sin and pun ishment. That means no purgatory! Merciful to others, then God will be Merciful to others him to accept to late... 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