human design 2027 sleeping phoenix
Is Human Design Real? "[143] A critic, Emily Detmer, points out that in the late 16th and early 17th century, laws curtailing husbands' use of violence in disciplining their wives were becoming more commonplace; "the same culture that still "felt good" about dunking scolds, whipping whores, or burning witches was becoming increasingly sensitive about husbands beating their wives. She is very active, and started walking 4-5 miles a day 4 years ago a couple years after she retired. [194] In 1989, BBC Radio 3 aired the full play, directed by Jeremy Mortimer, starring Cheryl Campbell and Bob Peck, with William Simons as Sly. Corrosion-resistant wire mesh, with the least dimension not exceeding, Where fresh air is furnished in any habitable room or space by mechanical means supplying a minimum of 40 cubic feet per minute (0.02 m, The minimum free openable area of a mullioned casement window shall be 5, Such balcony or space faces upon a public, The maximum depth of any habitable room is, The enclosure of the balcony or space is not more than one. This is not the case for the right brain/mind, or the right life. [57], Rosetta was built in a clean room according to COSPAR rules, but "sterilisation [was] generally not crucial since comets are usually regarded as objects where you can find prebiotic molecules, that is, molecules that are precursors of life, but not living microorganisms", according to Gerhard Schwehm, Rosetta's project scientist. By the time you get to the last scene all of the men including her father are saying it's amazing how you crushed that person. la perforation de la partie pressurise de la station par un dbris spatial ou une micromtorite. For example, in Act 3, Scene 2, Petruchio explains to all present that Katherina is now literally his property: She is my goods, my chattels, she is my house, Les quipements de recherche biologique comprennent notamment[78]: Les quipements de recherche biologique comprennent notamment[81]: Les quipements de recherche sur la physique et la science des matriaux comprennent notamment[82]: Certains quipements de recherche sont installs l'extrieur des modules pressuriss. Contrairement aux satellites porteurs d'expriences scientifiques, la prsence d'un quipage permanent offre l'avantage de permettre d'effectuer, la demande, de nombreuses manipulations sur les expriences: surveillance, ajout d'intrants, rparations ou remplacements de composants. Titled Ambition, the film, shot in Iceland, stars Irish actor Aidan Gillen, known for his roles in Game of Thrones and The Wire, and Irish actress Aisling Franciosi, also of Game of Thrones fame, and was directed by Oscar-nominated Polish director Tomasz Bagiski. Les menus, qui reviennent selon un cycle de 15jours, sont choisis par chaque astronaute plusieurs mois avant son dpart pour la station avec l'aide de ditticiens qui veillent l'quilibre des repas. Onboard instruments measured the asteroid from 4 August to 10 September. WebWilliam Shakespeare (bapt. Le dveloppement du vaisseau Orion tait complexe car celui-ci devait tre utilis la fois pour desservir l'orbite basse et pour emporter son quipage jusqu' la Lune et ventuellement au-del. Miller agrees with most modern scholars that A Shrew is derived from The Shrew, but he does not believe it to be a bad quarto. A Look at the Best Museums for Cinephiles, Welcome to 'Jurassic Park': An Autopsy Of A Doomed Franchise - Immortal Classic to Studio Schlock. Issues noted include occasional shuddering, jerking at low speeds, hesitation to upshift, hard shifting, and an audible clunk when Les plans initiaux prvoyaient que la station ait une dure de vie totale de 30ans. Les vaisseaux chargs du transport jusqu' la station sont lancs et suivis par les diffrents centres nationaux: la navette spatiale amricaine et sa charge utile sont prpares et lances depuis le centre spatial Kennedy. MISSE de la NASA permet de tester la rsistance de composants l'exposition dans l'espace: quatre points d'ancrages extrieurs pouvant recevoir des expriences scientifiques sont disponibles l'extrieur du laboratoire de recherche europen Columbus (. Le prsident Bill Clinton, frachement lu dans un contexte budgtaire national difficile, demande la NASA en fvrier 1993 de reprendre le projet. La structure des modules est ralise en alliage d'aluminium, qui prsente l'avantage d'tre lger, rsistant la corrosion et d'tre un bon conducteur lectrique ce qui facilite la mise la masse des quipements. "[175], Cole Porter's musical Kiss Me, Kate is an adaptation of Taming of the Shrew. Il n'avait pas de capacit de transport de fret non pressuris. Le laboratoire russe Nauka ou MLM (Module laboratoire multi-usages) doit tre install courant 2021. You need your activity and focus, but is doesnt matter what you do, it could be anything. Different theories suggest A Shrew could be a reported text of a performance of The Shrew, a source for The Shrew, an early draft (possibly reported) of The Shrew, or an adaptation of The Shrew. [6][9], In 1890, Alfred Tolman conjectured a possible literary source for the wager scene may have been William Caxton's 1484 translation of Geoffroy IV de la Tour Landry's Livre pour l'enseignement de ses filles du Chevalier de La Tour Landry (1372). Si celui-ci est identifi trop tard pour permettre la ralisation d'une manuvre, l'quipage a pour consigne de fermer toutes les coutilles l'intrieur de la station et de s'installer dans les vaisseaux Soyouz qui permettent, si ncessaire, de rejoindre le sol. Un financement pour dix annes supplmentaires est annonc en janvier 2014, repoussant la fin thorique du programme 2024[192]. It will always be a balance of probabilities, shifting as new arguments and opinions are added to the scales. He shows women used as commodities, not allowed to choose for themselves. [29], In his 1982 edition of the play for The Oxford Shakespeare, H.J. En 2017, l'utilisation de la Station est annonce comme planifie jusqu'en 2028, sauf panne ou incident significatif[194],[195]. That's embarassing. You have a passive brain (#1), a Receptive mind (#4), which is dropped into your active (#2) and focused (#3) life. La station doit tre galement rgulirement ravitaille en consommables (eau, nourriture, gaz, carburant), rechanges (par exemple les batteries dont la dure de vie thorique est de 6,5ans[143]) et en pices dtaches pour les rparations: ce fret reprsente un tonnage annuel d'environ 16tonnes pour un quipage permanent de 6personnes selon les calculs de la NASA[144]. is an example of Shakespeare's borrowing from Florio's dialogue between Peter and Stephan, who have just arrived in the north: PETER Tranio (still disguised as Lucentio) appears, and the pedant acknowledges him to be his son Lucentio. Les astronautes utilisent des tendeurs pour se maintenir en place[139]. Over the course of the next three years, four plays with their name on the title page were published; Christopher Marlowe's Edward II (published in quarto in July 1593), and Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus (published in quarto in 1594), The True Tragedy of Richard Duke of York (published in octavo in 1595) and The Taming of a Shrew (published in quarto in May 1594). And place your hands below your husband's foot; Even to the uttermost, as I please, in words. C'est une version plus puissante du bras Canadarm install sur la navette spatiale amricaine. Apart from undermining her language, Petruchio also uses language to objectify her. Les problmes rencontrs par la navette ont frein l'assemblage de la station. certains racks contenant les expriences scientifiques sont encore en attente d'un transport en 2011 car la mise en orbite des composants de la station et la livraison des consommables et des pices de rechange ont la priorit par rapport au transport du fret scientifique. Pour la gestion de la station par l'quipage et les oprations scientifiques, des ordinateurs portables Lenovo et HP sont utiliss, la plupart de ceux-ci utilisant une variante de Debian pour fonctionner. Relubrication was also performed on this RWA, and methods were found to temporarily increase its operating temperature to better improve the transfer of oil from its reservoir. Modify how amended sections are displayed. This is a less economical argument than to suggest that the compiler of A Shrew, dismissing Gremio, simply shared his doubts among the characters available. Of this scene, Kidnie argues "what he 'says' must take priority over what Katherina 'knows'. Your body indeed has its own intelligence, yet it cannot live without the mind/Soul. SHS de Roscosmos est un four trs haute temprature (. "[150] Petruchio does not do this, but Korda argues he still works to curtail the activities of the woman; "Kate [is] not a reluctant producer, but rather an avid and sophisticated consumer of market goods [] Petruchio's taming strategy is accordingly aimed not at his wife's productive capacity not once does he ask Kate to brew, bake, wash, card, or spin but at her consumption. Oliver suggests the play was composed no later than 1592. Deux membres de l'quipage disposent de petites cabines. Then vail your stomachs, for it is no boot, Le module Quest pse 6,1tonnes vide, est long de 5,5mtres pour un diamtre maximum de 4mtres[61]. [98][99], The isotopic signature of water vapour from comet 67P, as determined by the Rosetta spacecraft, is substantially different from that found on Earth. The supernova could wipe out one type of molecules while also flinging the other surviving molecules into space, where they could eventually end up on a planet. [20], In 2006, Rosetta suffered a leak in its reaction control system (RCS). La NASA doit achever le montage de la station avec les dix-huit vols disponibles. Your active environment nurtures your activity. Lucentio explains everything, and all is forgiven by the two fathers. Such duty as the subject owes the prince, The text had been translated into English by the sixteenth century, but there is no evidence that Shakespeare drew on it. You are best able to find your focus when you are truly relaxed. Avec un volume pressuris d'environ 900m3, dont prs de 400m3 habitables[37],[38],[N 1], elle peut accueillir sept astronautes en permanence. Il y a sept Express racks rpartis dans les laboratoires de la station. [190] In 1941, Creswell directed another adaptation for BBC Home Service, again starring Tearle, with Fay Compton as Katherina. Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew acts as a comedic roadmap for reconfiguring these emergent modes of "skillful" and civilised dominance for gentlemen, that is, for subordinating a wife without resorting to the "common" man's brute strength. Les astronautes de la navette prparrent ces sorties au sol durant prs d'un an en s'entranant sur des maquettes l'chelle 1 immerges dans une piscine ce qui permet de reproduire en partie l'absence de gravit. [94], Some scholars argue that even in Shakespeare's day the play must have been controversial, due to the changing nature of gender politics. La grande longueur de la poutre permet aux panneaux solaires placs ses deux extrmits, de s'orienter tout moment de manire optimale (ils disposent de deux axes de libert), sans tre gns par les modules pressuriss. Bien que le module Zvezda dispose d'un systme de propulsion capable de maintenir la position de la station spatiale, ses moteurs ne sont pas suffisamment puissants pour dclencher la rentre atmosphrique de celle-ci du fait de sa masse, qui dpasse les 400tonnes. Au cours des annes suivantes, les tudes se suivent pour tenter de franchir l'opposition d'un Congrs peu convaincu par le projet, mais la station n'obtient pas le feu vert des dcideurs. La construction de la Station spatiale internationale s'achve en 2011. Au-del de cette date, les incidents pourraient thoriquement commencer se multiplier. Il pourrait tre suivi par de nouveaux modules russes comme le nud Pritchal. Il possde deux panneaux solaires d'une envergure de 29,7mtres. Lorsque les solutions prcdentes ne suffisent pas faire face aux grands gradients de temprature, des rsistances thermiques sont ajoutes. Ces accords se traduisent par des rgles et des tches raliser. He also disagrees with everything that she says, forcing her to agree with everything that he says, no matter how absurd; on their way back to Padua to attend Bianca's wedding, she agrees with Petruchio that the sun is the moon, and proclaims "if you please to call it a rush-candle,/Henceforth I vow it shall be so for me" (4.5.1415). ", "Rosetta comet-chaser initiates 'big burn', "ESA says Rosetta in good shape after 31-month snooze", "Rosetta comet mission: Landing site named 'Agilkia', "Rosetta mission: broken thrusters mean probe could bounce off comet into space", "Philae lander 'bounced twice' on comet but is now stable, Rosetta mission scientists confirm", "Rosetta camera captures Philae's descent to the comet", "Surprising Comet Discoveries by Rosetta's Philae Lander Unveiled", "Rosetta's Lander Faces Eternal Hibernation", "Behind the scenes of 'The Singing Comet', "Comet 67P Has a Welcome Song for Rosetta And Philae", "Music emitted from Comet 67P sounds an awful lot like 20th-century harpsichord masterpiece", "Rosetta and Philae Find Comet Not Magnetised", "Rosetta Instrument Reignites Debate on Earth's Oceans", "Comet Data Clears Up Debate on Earth's Water", "Rosetta results: Comets 'did not bring water to Earth', "Rosetta Comet 'Pouring' More Water Into Space", "NASA Instrument on Rosetta Makes Comet Atmosphere Discovery", "Rosetta mission ends with comet touchdown", "Mission complete: Rosetta's journey ends in daring descent to comet", "Rosetta Spacecraft Death-Dives into Comet CompanionOn Purpose", "Mission accomplished: Rosetta crashes into comet", "Unexpected Surprise: A Final Image From Rosetta", "Scientists Unexpectedly Find Rosetta's Final Image of Comet 67P/CG", "Rosetta-Alice spectrograph to begin first-ever close up ultraviolet studies of comet surface and atmosphere", "OsirisThe optical, spectroscopic and infrared remote imaging system for the Rosetta Orbiter", "MIRO Microwave Instrument for the Rosetta Orbiter", "CONSERT COmet Nucleus Sounding Experiment by Radio-wave Transmission", "GIADA: its status after the Rosetta cruise phase and on-ground activity in support of the encounter with comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko", "Need to Track Organic Nano-Particles Across the Universe? De plus, en examinant les ractions chimiques qui sont ralenties par la faible gravit et les tempratures, les scientifiques esprent effectuer de nouvelles perces dans le domaine de la supraconductivit[29]. Shes 67 and even retired she tutors kids about 20 hours a week. As Baptista says, "'Tis deeds must win the prize, and he of both/That can assure my daughter greatest dower/Shall have my Bianca's love" (2.1.344346). Another theme in the play is cruelty. Habitable rooms and spaces shall have a ceiling height of not less than 8 feet (2438 mm). [184][189], Critical reception of the film upon its premiere was mostly positive. "[114], Regarding the importance of the Induction, Jonathan Bate and Eric Rasmussen argue "the Sly framework establishes a self-referential theatricality in which the status of the shrew-play as a play is enforced. A terminus ante quem for A Shrew could to be August 1592, as a stage direction at 3.21 mentions "Simon," which probably refers to the actor Simon Jewell, who was buried on 21 August 1592. In the play performed for Sly, the "shrew" is Katherina, the older daughter of Baptista Minola, a lord in Padua. La relve des quipages par 51vaisseaux Soyouz et 33vols de la navette spatiale amricaine a par ailleurs plac en orbite des composants de la station ou amen du ravitaillement ou des pices dtaches. However, some online banks pay over 3.70% APY right now. [163] John Kendrick Bangs' Katherine: A Travesty (1888) is a Gilbert and Sullivan-style parody operetta which premiered in the Metropolitan Opera. Utilizing your Strategy & Authority is a great ally for you in navigating your inner world through the outer world. Projects provide a dedicated space to collaborate on code research. L'HTV a t lanc pour la premire fois en septembre 2009. L'objectif tait de fournir un vaisseau oprationnel en 2014[181]. Information gathered by the onboard cameras beginning at a distance of 24million kilometres (15,000,000mi) were processed at ESA's Operation Centre to refine the position of the comet in its orbit to a few kilometres. Cet outil est compos d'un premier bras de 10mtres disposant de 6degrs de libert et d'un petit bras. Les dates indiques sont celles de lancement du ou des engins spatiaux. Lucentio) can marry, Tranio decides that they will need someone to pretend to be Vincentio, Lucentio's father. Clothes, CDs, Vinyls, books and much more! Places of assembly shall be illuminated in accordance with, Access shall be provided to the bottom of, This section shall apply to common interior, a. Arabian Nights was not translated into English until the mid 18th century, although Shakespeare may have known it by word of mouth. Im convinced because she has this cognition, that has made a crucial impact on how she was (and still is!!) Youre activity doesnt require you to be problem solving, your activity and focus allows your open and receptive mind and brain to process what youre experiencing. And the moon changes even as your mind: : Science Fiction, the 1950s and Us, Waging the War of the Worlds: From H. G. Wells to Steven Spielberg, 2nd Annual Directors Guild of Great Britain DGGB Awards, Ray Harryhausen: The Early Years Collection, Booking the Flight: The Script, the Story, In Flight Service: The Music of 'The Terminal', Waiting for the Flight: Building 'the Terminal', The Cutting Edge: The Magic of Movie Editing, A Legacy of Filmmakers: The Early Years of American Zoetrope, Artifact from the Future: The Making of 'THX 1138', 'Saving Private Ryan': Looking Into the Past, 'Saving Private Ryan': Miller and His Platoon, 'Saving Private Ryan': Re-Creating Omaha Beach, Imaginary Witness: Hollywood and the Holocaust, Survivors of the Shoah: Visual History Foundation, Revealing 'Casper': A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Movie, Why History Matters: A Dialogue with Students, 'Catch Me If You Can': The Casting of the Film, Frank Abagnale: Between Reality and Fiction, Behind the Ears: The True Story of Roger Rabbit, Easy Riders, Raging Bulls: How the Sex, Drugs and Rock 'N' Roll Generation Saved Hollywood, Live at the Shrine! However, it is Petruchio who seemingly emerges as the victor. La consommation en eau par personne est estime 3,5litres par jour: sur ce volume, WRS permet d'conomiser 1,3litre en recyclant l'urine et autres eaux uses, tandis qu'Elektron en rcupre 1,5 en condensant l'humidit de la cabine[106]. A woman moved is like a fountain troubled, Ce type de recherche permet terme de rduire les risques courus par ces missions et d'optimiser la capacit des vaisseaux interplantaires[26]. La construction de la station a mobilis de 1998 2011 de nombreux vaisseaux chargs de placer en orbite les 400tonnes de la station. Il est construit partir de la doublure de Zarya. But the fact that they did think like that is absolutely undeniable, so productions which really do try to deny that, and try to hijack the work to make it address current problems about women's place in society, become boring, thin and tractarian. "[122] From this point, Katherina's language changes from her earlier vernacular; instead of defying Petruchio and his words, she has apparently succumbed to his rhetoric and accepted that she will use his language instead of her own both Katherina and her language have, seemingly, been tamed. "The holding will call into question many other regulations that protect consumers with respect to credit cards, bank accounts, mortgage loans, debt collection, credit reports, and identity theft," tweeted Chris Peterson, a former enforcement attorney at the CFPB who is When the chips are down they all default to power positions and self-protection and status and the one woman who was a challenge to them, with all with her wit and intellect, they are all gleeful and relieved to see crushed. Aperu de deux des panneaux solaires doubles. Im the type of person who needs to understand the entirety of a concept before I can move on. Under this referencing system, 1.2.51 means Act 1, Scene 2, line 51. One of the most fundamental critical debates surrounding The Shrew is its relationship with A Shrew. Il renferme aussi la plupart des charges utiles pressurises europennes[55]. WebSteven Spielberg, Producer: Schindler's List. Projects allow you to save customized inputs about your building. The motivation of money is another theme. Rapport de la cour des comptes amricaine sur les risques et limitations de l'utilisation dans le futur de la station spatiale internationale. The subplot features a competition between the suitors of Katherina's younger sister, Bianca, who is seen as the "ideal" woman. La station serait soit prise en charge par des intrts privs soit dsorbite. On y trouve des quipements vitaux qui resteront longtemps uniques dans la station spatiale tels que les systmes de support de vie Elektron et Vozdukh, les systmes de contrle de vol et de navigation et une toilette. It's amazing how you lobotomised her. We have sent tens of thousands of packages to different customers during the years so we Les Express racks sont des quipements permettant d'accueillir dans des tiroirs amovibles plusieurs expriences (jusqu' huit). Pour des raisons de scurit les sorties s'effectuent toujours 2personnes ce qui correspond la capacit maximum des sas[156],[157]. The irony of this is that as we move into the shift of 2027 into the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix (the era of the charismatic individual), the majority of peoples internal cognition will be Right, which is relationship minded, a sense of collective oneness, a deep realization of interdependence with one another. Have you managed to crush Katharina or for Hortensio and Lucentio, will you be able to control Bianca and the widow? Les dirigeants amricains craignent alors que les comptences des techniciens trs qualifis mais dsormais dsuvrs de l'industrie spatiale des pays de la CEI le budget spatial russe 1993 est gal 10% de celui de 1989 contribuent la prolifration de missiles balistiques nuclaires dans des pays hostiles. Cette situation devrait nettement s'amliorer avec l'quipage port 6personnes, mais la NASA annonce que les astronautes amricains ne pourront consacrer que 36heures par semaine en tout la mise en uvre des expriences scientifiques, soit moins de 30% de leur temps de travail. La nouvelle pure, baptise Alpha, abandonne un grand nombre de fonctionnalits (rgnration de l'environnement, modules servant de liaison, poutre raccourcie, sas simplifi) sans parvenir respecter la limite de budget fixe par le prsident[6]. [136] In Zeffirelli's film, Katherina, played by Elizabeth Taylor, delivers the speech as though it were her own idea, and the submission aspect is reversed by her ending the speech and leaving the room, causing Petruchio to have to run after her. He could also have known the Duke of Burgundy story because although De Rebus was not translated into French until 1600 and not into English until 1607, there is evidence the story existed in English in a jest book (now lost) by Richard Edwardes, written in 1570. La construction du module d'habitation, qui devait fournir un espace rserv l'quipage, comportant douche, salle de repas et de dtente ainsi que compartiments individuels, est interrompue alors que la coque pressurise tait acheve (2006); un module scientifique construit par le Japon qui devait hberger une centrifugeuse de 2,5mtres de diamtre, nomm Centrifuge Accommodations Module, quipement jug pourtant essentiel par la communaut scientifique, est annul en 2005[19]. This made it unable to adequately collect solar power, and it lost contact with Rosetta when its batteries ran out after three days, well before much of the planned science objectives could be attempted. For the 1898 novella by Henry James, see, Petruchio (Kevin Black) and Katherina (Emily Jordan) from the 2003, The complete English text of the episode is: "Three merchants, riding home from a fair, fell to talking about the charm of obedience in a wife. When the London theatres were closed on 23 June 1592 due to an outbreak of plague, Pembroke's Men went on a regional tour to Bath and Ludlow. Elam argues that Lucentio's opening dialogue, Tranio, since for the great desire I had Tous les projets de vols habits de la NASA, dont celui de la station spatiale, sont gels. Your brain (#1) is here to be passive, to absorb, and that is its work. [68] This Mars manoeuvre was therefore nicknamed "The Billion Euro Gamble". Le dner et une runion de l'quipage suit. You need to be very focused on what you wish to create in your life. Les amnagements ne sont gnralement pas amovibles. WebGRAY, Prof Clive Professor Emeritus of Immunology, Division of Immunology, Department of Pathology, University of Cape Town; Professor of Immunology in Molecular Biology and Human Genetics, Stellenbosch University, Cape Town; Adjunct Professor, Department of Immunology, Duke University, North Carolina, USA; Secretary-General, Federation of L'oprateur utilise un poste de travail mobile[71]. Being alone is not appropriate for you. Des ajustements sont effectus pour tenir compte des conditions qui rgnent dans la station: diminution de la proportion de fer qui est moins bien assimil car le volume de globules rouges diminue, rduction de la quantit de sodium et augmentation de la dose de vitamine D pour favoriser la croissance osseuse. [95] Although it is a natural phenomenon, it has been described as a "song"[96] and has been compared to Continuum for harpsichord by Gyrgy Ligeti. Il n'est pas envisag par les partenaires actuels de dvelopper un successeur de la station spatiale internationale en orbite terrestre. [199] In 1949, ABC Radio aired an adaptation directed by Homer Fickett, starring Joyce Redman and Burgess Meredith. S'ils ne dbarrassent pas leur organisme de l'azote, ils risquent un accident de dcompression, La diffrence entre apoge et prige est d'environ 20, C'est--dire que la capacit du SAFER permet thoriquement un astronaute qui s'loignerait de la station spatiale la vitesse de, Excerpts of President Reagan's State of the Union Address, 25 January 1984. Le mois suivant, la navette spatiale amricaine lance son tour le module Unity de la NASA. Contacts ; COVID-19 and H&S Resources; COVID-19 Resources; COVID-19 Vaccine Resource page ; P&S Maintenance System After landing on the comet, Philae had been scheduled to commence its science mission, which included: After bouncing, Philae settled in the shadow of a cliff,[92] canted at an angle of around 30 degrees. After the success of the series, however, the ESA commissioned the studio to continue producing new episodes in the series throughout the course of the mission. La NASA tudie au dbut des annes 1970, sans avoir de vrai financement, une station susceptible de succder Skylab. Focus, but is doesnt matter what you do, it is Petruchio who emerges. Have you managed to crush Katharina or for Hortensio and lucentio, will you be able to find focus! Construit partir de la station serait soit prise en charge par des intrts privs soit dsorbite women as. Pas faire face aux grands gradients de temprature, des rsistances thermiques sont ajoutes de nouveaux russes... 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